Saturday, September 6, 2014

Guten Tag

We have been in Germany for just under two weeks now AND what a week it has been. So many stories, thoughts & ideas flood the keyboard as I try to formulate this post and fill you all in on our adventures so far. Bare with.

Holding back from playing the tourist just yet, we have tried to focus on house-hunting & getting all of our affairs in order. You see, as if moving to a new country and jumping time zones wasn't enough to take in, we have also needed to study for & take our German drivers test {we are both official German licence holders!}, open a German bank account to link to our bank back in the States, car-shop, {For those who don't already know, Daniel said goodbye to his faithful truck of ten years in Massachusetts}, track our car being imported from Maryland, as well as our household & expedited shipments, get new cell phones, attend briefings {Daniel many more than I}, learn about VAT forms {who knew?!}, sign up for ration cards{..yes, ration cards. When we buy things like gas & coffee here we have to use ration card}, buy a GPS because in addition to not being able to pronounce any of the towns we have been house-hunting in, we absolutely have no idea how to get to any of them & many more things that escape me currently get the basic gist.   

Now, perhaps more than ever, I am so extremely thankful for the life-partner God has gifted me. Daniel has been such a rock throughout this entire process. I have immense respect for this man whom I love with ALL of my heart. He has encouraged & loved me in moments of uncertainty when he knows {sometimes even before I know} that I am feeling overwhelmed. He has been so gracious, giving me space when I've needed space & holding me tight when I've needed to be held. He loves me so well & cares for my needs AND wants in a way I've never experienced before. His sense of humor is perfect. for. me. He keeps me smiling and I am so excited to be on this European adventure with HIM. Okay, I could gush all day, but you get the idea... you don't know me very well if you didn't already know how crazy I am about him.

In other news after replying to endless posts online, communicating back & forth through both broken and embarrassing German/English combinations with landlords and realtors, and visiting five potential houses and apartments in the local area, WE HAVE SIGNED A RENTAL CONTRACT. Last Monday we met with the landlord to go over the contact. From there, we visited the housing office & three hours later got their {literal} stamp of approval on our housing contract. Then, MONDAY we'll meet with our landlord & realtor {/translator} & will officially be given the keys to our new place. that makes it all sound SO MUCH simpler than it actually was.

We basically liked three of the five enough to consider moving in. Let's pretend we're on one of those HGTV shows, you know House Hunters or something & give each a title.
For rental #1 we'll go with...  

"Apartment with Breath-Taking View"
 #2 "Close Commute Duplex with Yard"

#3 "Charming Barn with a Commute"


D R U M R O L L    P L E A S E . . .  

We've decided to rent the "Close Commute Duplex With a Yard"! We love that its less than 15 minutes to where Daniel will be working. The area is great - very close to lots of local spots. There is a bus stop right outside our street AND we will finally have a backyard for Chewy. The duplex also includes a garage, and had already been inspected by the Housing Office on base, making things much less of a hassle on our end (the other two had not been inspected yet). More pictures to come. We officially move in on the 18 September. Until then, it's suitcase, hotel living for the Langstons. 

Other steps in this housing journey have involved more than a few trips to some other departments on base {TLF, FMO, VAT, AFRC... and probably guaranteed a few other acronyms I'll remember later}. Vising FMO, we were able to sign up for some temporary furniture to use while we await our household shipment. That delivery is set to arrive in two weeks. Until then, we continue to live in TLF {i.e. the hotel}.

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