Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A New Year

Winter in German. Two words. Gray and cold. As such we've opted to spend many of our weekends at home curled up on the couch, getting things done around the rental, trip planning for future adventures, waking to our village's bakery Bäckerei or trying new spots around town.

One of our low-key weekends included a trip to Frankfurt. Daniel's bosses, who were here from the States for a visit, needed to be dropped off at the airport. So, on the way home we OF COURSE had to stop at the Frankfurt mall to shop and just happened to find our way to Chipotle. So good. So, so very good. The perfect taste of "home" at just the right time.  

In January, Daniel and I starting taking German lessons. The course we signed up for is an eight week course. In a few weeks it will be time to decide if we want to sign up for German II. Although I feel like I'm learning a LOT and feel like I'm able to speak 100% more German than when we moved here {I'm not sure what the math is of 100% more than next to nothing, but you get the idea.}, I still find myself struggling to "get it" and tend to get very frustrated with myself very easily when it comes to learning German. Daniel on the other hand, seems to have a much higher aptitude for foreign language. Since our class is only two nights a week, we are also doing level 1 German though Pimsleur. In fact, we "finished" the first level and are looking into purchasing the second. The first was a gift from my in-laws for Christmas. Thank you! The two together, along with a little "Duolingo" on the iPad are great tools in building our vocabulary & learning to form sentences. Class seems to be a lot more grammar focused while Pimsleur is more conversational. Things like asking for directions, ordering at restaurants, telling the time, shopping etc.

I mentioned in a post several weeks back (or maybe it was on Facebook...) that I was seriously craving some Dunkin iced coffee. WELL, it's not Dunkin and I had to do a little more work than walk-in or drive-up and order BUT I think I've mastered how to make my very own iced coffee. Thanks to a recipe I found on Pinterest for the inspiration and trial and error, my craving has been satisfied. AND this is how great Daniel is. He knows how much I LOVE Dunkin's caramel iced coffee SO he found me Starbucks caramel favored coffee to use for my iced coffee. He even helped me make a batch yesterday. And I have to say, as I sit here typing away, sipping a big Mason jar full of it, its pretty darn good. A little Splenda, a little almond milk = perfection.  

In other news, I am officially subbing at one of the local elementary schools on base (huge answer to prayer!!). So fare I've been able to substitute just about everyday. Having a job again has been great. More adjustments, but helping me with the whole "new normal" thing just the same. Those of you who have subbed before know what I mean when I say the weirdest part isn't walking into someone else's classroom or even the potential of having a classroom full of students you've never taught before, the weirdest part is the unknown. Not knowing if you'll get called in to work. Not knowing when you'll get the call. Not knowing who or what you'll be subbing for. God is certainly teaching me humility and grace in this season. Some days, I'm able to embrace it. On others, maybe I find myself needing a few reminders. Reminders that God is faithful. That he knows the desires of my heart. Reminders that I need to give myself grace and learn to me patient with myself. Reminders that God gave me the life partner He did for so many reasons. Reminders that I have people who love me, miss me and care for me.

My appreciation for technology also seems to grow month by month on this European adventure of ours. Facetime. Skype. ooVoo. Facebook. Instagram. Email. Thank you to the inventors, engineers, creators, supporters and whoever else of these wonderful gadgets. AND thank you to those of your who have been so faithful to use them to communicate and care for me.

(didn't manage to screen shot any of the other video chats - sorry!)

Next weekend Daniel and I will be traveling to Amsterdam. We are really looking forward to visiting this historic area and taking a ton of pictures of the buildings and scenery. It has been entirely too long since I've used our dslr. Bring on the tulips ...not sure they'll quite be in bloom yet, but one can hope!

Sending thoughts to all our friends and family in the States. We really do miss ya'll {OH! get this... the Germans have a way to say ya'll too!  . . . I was pretty excited to discover that!}

Praying for those in the New England area that are getting pounded with all that snow. Be safe and stay warm. I won't tell you that the less then two inches of snow we got here yesterday was melted before sunset yesterday.

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