Thursday, May 14, 2015

Heidelberg mit meinem Onkel und Tante

I was very excited when my Aunt Tammy sent me a Facebook message several months ago, telling me they were in the beginning stages of planning a trip to Germany.  Germany - my now home!  And about two weeks ago . . .   they arrived.  Our first house guests here in Germany.  I was so excited to have them here.  They have had several adventures on their own in Berlin & Paris, and a few with us... including many German dinners at some of our favorite local spots.  It's been fun playing tour guide in a country we've come to love & appreciate in so many ways.  

Our first adventure entailed a trip to the famous Heidelberg Castle.  One of my friends also joined us for the day {loved it!}.  Heidelberg is a quick drive, just over an hour from our Village.  We thought about taking the train in for an even easier trip, but it just so happened that the German trains were on strike that week.  Mine Auto it was.


When we emerged from the underground packing garage, we turned around and BAM, there was the castle, sitting high on the hill above us. Thanks to some research my Aunt Tammy had done, we were able to learn that our 6 Euro Castle ticket was also good for a round trip tram ride up to the castle.  Something Daniel and I did not know the first time we visited Heidelberg.  Instead, we ventured up the extremely steep hill on foot, never knowing that not only did the tram existed, but that it was INCLUDED with our Castle Ticket.

The tram to the top of the hill.  No 45 degree incline for us.  

Aren't they cute?!  So much fun having them here.

Thanks for joining us Karis.  Getting to know you & becoming friends has been a huge answer to prayer.  Can't wait for our adventures in Poland in July !

The barrel Karis & I are standing in front of is not even the largest barrel there.  Just a little baby in comparison.  The world's largest wine barrel {yes, you read that right - world's LARGEST} build in 1751 is pictured below.

Let me give you some perspective   . . . you can't see the stairs in this picture, but we had to climb dozens of stairs to walk around/over the barrel.  The entire thing was seriously larger than the entire downstairs of our home.  

Church of the Holy Spirit. 

Inside the church.

Climbing & climbing AND climbing to the top of the church tower.  So. many. stairs.
View from the top.  We could walk completely around the steeple.  360 degree view of the city.  

The Carl Theodor, "Old Bridge"

After crossing the bridge, we hiked Philosopher's Way.  This is the view about mid-way up the steep hill leading to the thought-provoking path.  We found a nice spot with some stone benches & set down to enjoy the views & much needed breeze beginning to blow across the water.

We hiked back down, did a little more exploring, stopped in at one of the two gummy bear shops and then hit the road.  Thankfully, we didn't hit much traffic on the drive home.  Day well spent.

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