Thursday, June 26, 2014

We're Moving

June 2014 marked three years that Daniel has been stationed at Hanscom Air Force Base. In Air Force terms that means it's time to move . We had been expecting orders for a summer 2014 move, but weren't quite sure where Uncle Sam would be sending us. After another long New England winter, spring arrived bringing with it official orders informing us we would be moving to Germany. That's right, in August  | T minus 55 days| Daniel and I will be MOVING to Kaiserslautern, Germany {near Ramstein Air Force Base}. We're talking one way ticket. visas. moving boxes -- the whole nine yards. We had NO IDEA we were getting stationed overseas. none. I'm still not sure I've we've completely wrapped our heads around what is about to happen. I can, however, confidently and truthfully say we are excited. Excited to experience new cultures, see new places, meet new people ...all of it!

Image from Google Images

In preparation for the big move, there are a lot of i's to be dotted and t's to be crossed. Some steps simpler than others. Today we had our first visit from the moving company to take inventory of all of our "household goods". Basically we walked around pointing as the nice man listed all of our furniture, room by room. Next step with the movers won't happen until the end of July when they come to box up our "expedited shipment" {clothes, linens etc.} followed by two "moving days" the first week in August when they will box up the rest of our household goods and furniture.

As a way to document our adventures and European travels I've decided to start this blog. My hope is to be able to post updates, photos and stories to share with friends and family. Some funny, "Today I felt like a complete American tourist when ..." stories and the occasional sappy, "I miss home".   

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